Sharing a reminder as we face 2014

December 31st is known as Old Year’s Day or New Year’s Eve, depending on which part of His world you inhabit. I realized earlier this morning that the name I give to the day provides a different focus. Old Year’s Day, to me, promotes a focus on the current year with all that made it what it was; it can also promote an expression of gratitude as I recognize that God brought me through challenges and also blessed me richly. New Year’s Eve promotes a focus on the coming year and the dreams, hopes, plans, and even uncertainties we may have about the future. I see value in calling the day both “Old Year’s Day and New Year’s Eve” and remind myself that He inhabits my past, present, and future. I have His promise to never leave me, never forsake me; He is with me whether or not I feel that He is. As He is with you.

I acknowledged earlier this morning that a part of me was dreading the new year. This was the part of me that was seeing the new year as 365 more days of the mundane, as 365 opportunities to make mistakes, etc. The “Debby Downer” part of me; thankfully, however, I recognized the negativity for what it was and the distorted view it was providing of 2013 and 2014. Without question, this year had challenges. There were days when I had to put on my BGPs and pray my way through every hour. But it also had moments of joy, and wonder, and the satisfaction of tasks well done, the privilege of being part of someone’s healing, having my hope restored. Moments of deep connection. Moments of resting in sunshine, the warmth of the sun feeling like a soft kiss on my face. Moments of self-discovery. Moments of learning more about my heavenly Father.  Moments when I received forgiveness and was given grace to forgive.

May you pause to reflect on your diversity of experiences this year and seek God’s perspectives on your experiences. May you experience prosperity as He defines it, in every area of your life in 2014.